Monday, March 31, 2008

Protecting Your Computer and Network

Protecting Your Computer and Network
by Aaron Weston

According to the latest research, Microsoft has found that cyber threats are getting more complex and advanced as "hackers" mature. How do you protect yourself against these threats? It's actually easier and cheaper then you think, and the payoff is high. In this article we'll address these challenges.

1. Get an antivirus program. Some worms, such as MyDoom, are capable of bringing entire networks to their knees. Some threats collect your personal information, such as passwords, and transmit them to a remote location. The cost associated with these threats is very high. To address these issues, several companies have released protections that are free for home use. Choose your program carefully as some promise the world, or have a reputation, but don't live up to the hype.

One unbiased test ( rated the top 20 virus programs against 175,000 virus definitions. The results may surprise you. Norton from Symantec, often perceived to be the best and requiring an annual fee for updates, is actually at the bottom of the list along with McAfee, easily surpassed by free offerings such as AVG, Avast! and AOL Active Virus Shield, using the top rated Kaspersky engine. In another test (, Norton takes three of the top six spots for programs that consume the most system resources. As you can see, you don't always get what you pay for and you may be leaving your system vulnerable.

At Northern Protocol Inc. we recommend AOL Active Virus Shield for Windows XP home use. Updates are free, response times are faster than Norton or McAfee, and it offers more comprehensive protection against threats. monitors response times of various vendors, and has found that Norton and McAfee are at the bottom of the list for releasing definitions. Your antivirus is only as good as it's definitions, and a slower response time and less effective detection increases the window for possible infection.

2. Get an anti-spyware program. Spyware threats are getting more complex. As browsers improve their security features, devious "script kiddies" have changed their tactics, now using Javascript to install threats, affecting any browser that has it enabled. So-called "free" software, such as screensavers, wallpapers and "smilies", to name a few, install spyware without your knowledge, burying the "agreement" in a lengthy license agreement that no-one ever reads before they click "accept". Some devious websites ask you to install "download managers" to access their files, which often have spyware (so-called "sponsor" software) embedded. Pay close attention to any installer that asks you to install "sponsor" software. Many antispyware programs and security suites are actually frauds, and often install spyware themselves. You can find a complete list at

There are several good programs out there, but the one we at Northern Protocol Inc. recommend the most is Prevx2.0. It requires a small annual fee to maintain the active protection component, but we find it extremely effective. Another good protection suite is AVG Anti-Malware which also requires a modest annual fee. Windows Defender is a good free alternative for users of genuine Windows products.

3. Install a firewall. Firewalls block intrusions from the outside, hiding your computer from the internet so that "hackers" don't know it's there. They can also block communications coming from within your network. Again, there are a lot of misconceptions in this realm. Norton and McAfee, while having a reputation, are actually sluggish and poor performers according to this review at ZoneAlarm, while popular, is buggy and has hang ups of it's own, one being far too demanding of user involvement. One review (,1759,1969207,00.asp), conducted by PC Magazine, rates Comodo Personal Firewall, a free firewall, as one of the best in it's class and is our recommendation as well.

A more effective solution, but more complex in installation, is to install an older computer as a firewall, running Smoothwall from This solution is highly effective, inexpensive, and the one we use to protect our network.

4. Buy a router. Routers are inexpensive and in many cases offer built in firewalls that work in conjunction with the "NAT" firewall that is standard on all routers. What this does is take your IP address from the internet and translates it into internal addresses for your computer(s). This adds an extra layer of protection for your computer or network, putting one more obstacle in the way of any potential intruder. Northern Protocol Inc. recommends the use of Linksys or D-Link WBR or DIR series routers for the best performance.

5. Set the wireless security on your router. All too often people leave their wireless settings at default, leaving their networks wide open to attack. Log on to your router's control panel from any browser ( for Linksys and for D-Link) and set your wireless security settings.

First, change the password for the logon. Use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers, then test your password at for strength.

Second, enable encryption. In order, the preferred methods of encryption in terms of strength are WPA2, WPA and lastly WEP 128 bit. Some older network cards don't support WPA or WPA2, so either replace the card (recommended) or use WEP 128 bit. Create a key using the same guidelines as your administrator password, but make sure it's different.

Third, change the SSID (this is the name the router broadcasts to inquiring wireless devices). Ensure that it does not identify the make or model of your router and that it is not personally identifiable. It is preferable to disable broadcast altogether if you can remember the name and manually enter it into each computer's wireless configuration.

Fourth, if no other computers need to log on but your own, enable the MAC ID filter and enter in the MAC ID to each of your devices. This is a very effective solution, preventing all but your own devices from being able to log on to your router and obtain an address, even if they can figure out or already know the key. Each MAC ID is unique to every network device on the internet and thus no two devices have the same ID.

6. Update to the latest version of your browser. We recommend the use of either Opera or Internet Explorer 7, or both. These programs ensure that you have the latest security protections for your browsing experience, employing advanced techniques to prevent automatic installations of scripts, "phishing" scams, etc.

7. Update your operating system and software to the latest versions. As new threats and security flaws surface, Microsoft scrambles to get new fixes into the hands of it's users, and once a month releases a Malicious Software Removal Tool. Ensure that you have a genuine version of Windows, with Service Pack 2 installed for Windows XP, to be eligible for all the latest software updates. Research is showing that as operating systems become more secure, hackers are looking for alternative "attack vectors", or other software on your computer, as a means of attacking your system's security. Cover all your bases. Make sure that "Automatic Updates" are enabled on your machine(s).

8. Make regular backups. As backup solutions continually drop in price, there are no valid reasons to not perform regular backups. DVD burners, such as Pioneer and LG, are very inexpensive and reliable and can fit a large volume of data on a single CD or DVD. USB memory keys are also inexpensive, as are external hard drives. One folder that is very important to back up is your My Documents folder. Keep your backups away from the computer and in a safe place. Photographs can often never be replaced, so always keep current backups on hand.

Is your system infected? Do you need help employing any of the measures mentioned in this article? Call us at 705.812.2236. We remove the infections and protect you against future infections, without loss of data.

Learn more about security threats at

About The Author

Aaron Weston is President of Northern Protocol Inc. ( in Barrie, Ontario. Since 1997, Northern Protocol Inc. has provided cutting-edge solutions through bringing the results of ongoing research and experience to the doors of it's clients in Central Ontario.

This article is © 2007 Aaron Weston and may only be reproduced in it's entirety, without modification, with all links, bio and this text included.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Who Else Really Wants to Play Games and Make Money?

Who Else Really Wants to Play Games and Make Money?
by Geoff Morris

Are you one of these people that have become addicted to on-line gaming?

Do you relish in the thrill of being able to pit your skills, not just against an on-line game, but against a worthy opponent who is also on-line at the same time?

How about joining in an online tournament across the globe?

Have you become so finely attuned to online gaming, that anything apart from the latest, coolest, and most challenging games, bores you to tears?

Have you been to an Internet Caf� recently, and seen many of the booths occupied for ages while on-line games are taking place with much gusto (or perhaps you have been the one that was waiting �patiently?' for your turn, or even trying to get in to send an important email).

Well, if you are one of these Gamers (do we have a word yet for an over-enthusiastic on-line games player?), do you ever have a pang of remorse about how much time you spend on this drug-like craze. No, of course you don't, but check this out�

Would you believe that there are sites out there now that can offer you not just an opportunity for you to indulge in your favourite pastime, but also turn it into genuine money making home business?

Wow! Imagine that! When you get shouted at by your boss / partner for �wasting time in front of that screen', you just turn round and say �but it's my job�'

Imagine telling your boss late (i.e. you roll in at 10.30 am) on one Monday morning that you just can't find the time to come to work any more� you're too busy trying out the latest, coolest, and mind-challenging game to have a boring day time job any more. Anyway, you're making more money with your favourite pastime�

If any of you are having a pang of conscience right now, forget it! The US Government, in a recent survey, stated that �short periods of high intensity, challenging games actually stimulate the brain, making productivity at work increase, not decrease'.

The point is, that this phenomenon has become so big, it cannot be hidden away. The ground swell for on-line games has become unstoppable, as more and more of us have a greater amount of leisure time, more and more of us are taking part in this activity.

Bear in mind, we are not talking about gambling here, we are talking about actual games that have a great deal of skill involved, not just luck as in ordinary gambling.

As an active Gamer, you will be aware of the vast amounts of information contained on thousands of Games Forums and Chat Rooms, and if you are not an avid Gamer, then the language you will encounter may take some translation (not just from spotty faced teenager, but also the granddad in the next booth to you!).

So how can you possibly make a home business out of all this? I mean, to meet the quite strict gaming rules, stakes on games can not be more than around $10-$15 (although tournaments can be a lot higher).

But look at the way technology has moved to provide you with all the tools you need for effective on-screen performance. Next to porn sites (which I don't recommend) these games sites are driving technology forward, and with the surge in interest, comes masses of traffic to these sites.

Now, not to get too technical here, but the way to a successful web site is to enable masses of visitors (traffic) to come to your site very day. is showing about 4 times more traffic to some gaming sites than Virgin Atlantic, Ford, and Visa.

So, if you can the identify a Gaming site that combines all the latest, coolest on-line games, with people being able to identify who is available to play at any time, using a social networking facility, and an excellent and easy to understand pay plan, then join it while you can. Get in at the beginning, before millions join after you, locking in your (expanding) income stream while also enabling you to play the best games against the best opponents on the web ( in fact - in the world).

Some of the world's biggest network marketers are calling this phenomenon the next MySpace, UTube, Google, EBay.

Look around carefully, as there are a number of sites in pre pre-launch right now, and although many of us may have missed massive opportunities in the past (who wanted Microsoft shares in the 80's at $1?), now is the time to search the net, and join one of a number of fledgling sites that will not remain embryonic for very long. Then, as they grow, so does your business and its �Goodbye to your Boss, Hello Financial Freedom.'

About The Author

Geoff Morris is a freelance Internet investigator. He certainly came up trumps with this pre-pre launch opportunity. Look for yourself here:-


Coping with IT Support

Coping with IT Support
by Ken O'Brien

IT Support! It seems to be one of those expressions that makes people froth at the mouth and send a shiver down their backs. It takes forever to connect and even when you do they seem content to say anything in order to get rid of people.

How much of this is really true? In fairness to the better known PC and laptop builders they do make an effort and in recent years have offered customers feedback opportunities in order to help improve their service. So how can you deal with or cope with IT support? Before looking at this there is one thing we need to remind ourselves of - Technology Breaks .

Ideally everything we use would work perfectly 100% of the time. The reality is that this is never going to be true. Things do break and technology can fail. In the same way that a customer has shown confidence in buying a PC, a PC builder shows confidence in their product by guaranteeing it for a period of time. Hence the reason companies offer warranties and technical support.

Even so the experience of technical support is not always good. Here are some guidelines that may help you survive it a little better.

Think of your own attitude

Our initial reaction to a problem can often be to blame whoever we get on the phone. The way technology companies set up their support only adds to this frustration. The merry-go-round of the telephone support may suit a business but is not designed to calm people. Often by the time we get to the support technician our patience has all but run out. If you have a phone that allows you to work hands-free take advantage of it and leave the phone down while it plays the background music. It will help conserve your patience. And remember the support person didn't build your PC.

Expect language difficulties

We would all love to hear a voice and an accent that we understand perfectly. However in today's outsourcing and globalized world this is not always going to happen. Assume that the person on the other end may not understand you. They could be anywhere in the world and much as you find them difficult to understand they may also have the same problem. Be patient with them. While their accent may be different it does not mean that they do not have the expertise.

Plan your call

Like any important call think of what you are going to say. Try to write down exactly what the problem is. Write it in detail if you can. When you do eventually get through this will help the technician to get to the root of it.

Trust the support

While it is true that some support is not as good as others don't immediately assume that the support you will get will be all bad. Assume that the technician will know what they are talking about. For many simple problems this is the case.

It's a shared problem

You are both trying to find an answer to your problem. By thinking of the problem as one you can share rather than something to blame someone for; you increase the possibility of a quicker solution.


Learn some basic vocabulary about your problem, such as hard drive, monitor, desktop, program etc. . Even though tech support staff are usually trained or they are reading from a database of solutions so every specific term that you use can help give a clearer picture of the problem.

Technical support calls are not perfect and companies do not always help with the types of systems they use. Yet the call does not have to the nightmare that we imagine. We can mitigate that by remembering that it is a problem that both parties are trying to solve.

About The Author

Ken O'Brien is the owner/manager of Spear IT,based in Drogheda. One of the services that Spear IT ( provides is techical support.


Write Queen Writes from Her Little Bit of Heaven

Write Queen Writes from Her Little Bit of Heaven
by Freda Douglas

Well, I am in my fourth month as a resident of Alabama, settled here like I was born here. Maybe that is because the terrain hereabouts reminds me of my native Pennsylvania. In reality it is because my adoptive family surrounds me with such love as I haven�t felt since my husband John died in 2001.

I know there have been a few people who cared for me in the last six going on seven years, such as James who spoiled me something fierce and couldn�t ever seem to do enough for me, like Gary, my medical careperson who never tried to pull the wool over my eyes and who was always honest with me or Bess, who always sent me postcards no matter where Jim and she went and usually arrived home before I ever received the cards. And there was always Jewely, but she is a story unto herself.

But there is no greater feeling than having love showered on you despite your faults, your age and your eccentricities.

The countryside around where we live is absolutely beautiful. I have watched out my window in the morning to see the trees bare, gradually coming to life, and now they are practically in full grandeur. We had a late frost a few weeks ago, and that stunted, but didn�t kill, their beauty.

Linda has two bird feeders outside my window. One is for the bigger birds and one is for hummingbirds, The hummingbirds are no larger than a large bumble bee, but do they ever eat.

Last week the feeder went empty so quickly Linda thought she might not have screwed the bottom of the feeder on tight enough. She checked it and finally decided the little birds had big appetites.

Twice we have gone sightseeing after church. Jason drives a truck and has found many spots to show us. Jason is just like a homing pigeon. Once he�s been a place he can always find it again. He makes a great tour guide.

Properties are well maintained in our neck of the woods, and most have lush green, manicured yards. Surprising to me, most of the homes are single level, some one and a half stories, but very few taller than that. Of curse those with money very often have what I call mansions which are breath-taking, but I wouldn�t feel comfortable in such opulence.

Do I miss my Florida friends? Of course. You don�t live in a place for more than 20 years without a tug in your heart for those you left behind. Do I regret resettling to Alabama? No, I don�t. Am I happy here? You are happy where you are loved, and I am loved.

Remember, always, God loves you and so do I.

About The Author

Freda Douglas is an accomplished author. Her first book "Cherish the Past" was published in 2002. Her second book "Winds of Change" will be released this Fall. Freda wrote a personal essay column for a weekly newspaper for 17 years. She lives in Alabama and loves to hear from her readers.

You can check out my business opportunity by visiting

Do you already have a business but it is not doing very well? Why don't you see if the nice folks at can help you?

Freda Douglas. P.O.Box 155, Eva, AL 35621, 256-796-0651


Outstanding Managers Know How To Delight Their Staff � Do You?

Outstanding Managers Know How To Delight Their Staff � Do You?
by Andrew Rondeau

The success of an organisation does not solely depend on management but on the work of its staff as well. An employee that enjoys his or her position and feels rewarded by their efforts will ultimately be the most successful in their careers and the most beneficial to the company.

There is nothing like being around happy, satisfied staff that bring their optimism and productivity to the organisation. These are the employees who are the most attentive to the needs of the customer and strive to go that extra mile to be the most helpful.

A positive attitude is contagious and can change the attitude of every staff member around. However, just as a positive mindset is easily spread, so is a negative one. If a member of the team is unhappy, watch out! His or her negative attitude can become infectious - contaminating fellow co-workers and customers alike.

Pessimistic employees can breed an atmosphere of low morale which equals decreased productivity, employee turnover, and unproductive time spent gossiping and complaining among co-workers.

In order to combat negativity in the workplace, it is essential that employees experience ongoing motivation from management to perform their work to the best of their abilities. Regular contact with employees is necessary to show that you care about their contributions.

Another way to beat low morale is to develop an employee satisfaction survey. This is an easy, anonymous way for employees to voice their concerns and problems without being identified. Issues that are brought up from the survey can be addressed during an organisational meeting.

Extra ways that an employer can construct an environment that motivates employees include:

~Staff lunches

~Holiday celebrations

~Employee of the month

~Continuing education programs

An organisation that recognises that its employees are valuable and deserve to receive a certain amount of praise and recognition will benefit from increased productivity and employee satisfaction and retention, which in turn, will positively affect customer satisfaction. Otherwise, the expense of training each new employee so that they may excel in some OTHER organisation is foolish, time-consuming and expensive.

Management with the "easy-come-easy-go" mentality creates conflict, confusion and quite a bit of turnover in the workplace. Nothing positive can be gained by treating employees in such a manner. It's no wonder that some employees treat their positions as a 9-to-5 job.

Any organisation can make changes for the better and help create an environment that is conducive to employee happiness. After all, the success of your business depends upon it.

The organisation with the right approach will be the one to reap the rewards of success.

About The Author

Andrew Rondeau offers a FREE e-Course that informs and educates on all aspects of Management and Leadership. He is the author of top selling management e-Books including 'Accelerate Your Management Effectiveness'. Article website -


I Won The Lottery! Or, Maybe Not

I Won The Lottery! Or, Maybe Not
by Shari Hearn

I must be the luckiest person alive. In the past three days I found out I won 1.5 Million Euros in the UK lottery, One Million Euros in the Winx International Lottery, 1.5 Million Euros in the 2007 E-Mail Lottery, and 500,000 Pounds in an e-mail lottery held by the Coca Cola Company. Wow! What did I do to receive all these riches?

The sad truth is there are actually people who fall for these schemes. For the promise of a quick buck (or million Euros as the case may be) people will turn over their bank account numbers, wire money in the hopes of getting more back, or give other information that could lead to identity theft.

These lottery and sweepstakes schemes have gone on long before the internet, with one of the oldest being the phony sweepstakes which required an entrance fee to claim your prize, which amounted to more than the �prize� was worth. Another variation of that scheme was requiring the potential �winner� to call a certain number to find out if he or she was a winner. The phone call cost the potential �winner� a certain amount per minute with an unusually-long wait time on hold. The real winner was the scamming company which made money off the phone calls.

Today�s thieves have a wide choice of scam-delivery mechanisms, including in person, the mail, phone and internet. However, the same holds true no matter how the scam is delivered: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

How Can You Recognize the Lottery or Sweepstakes Scam?

There are certainly legitimate lotteries and sweepstakes offers. Who hasn�t bought a state or multi-state lottery ticket from their local lottery retailer? Or, who hasn�t seen one of those sweepstakes offered by a recognized company advertising in the coupon section of the Sunday newspaper? You fill out the entry form or reasonable facsimile (usually a 3�x5� card) with your name and address and send it off.

Therein is your biggest clue as to whether you�re the victim of a scam. In a legitimate lottery or sweepstakes you have bought the ticket or entered your name and address. In a scam lottery or sweepstakes you are notified you�ve won when you haven�t even entered or bought a ticket.

In addition, it�s illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders, whether national or state lines. Any lottery offer involving the purchase of lottery tickets for other state or country lotteries could end up with you being charged with illegal activities.

One ploy used by foreign scammers involving lotteries or sweepstakes is offering you an �advance� on your winnings. The scam artist will send you a check for part of your �winnings.� All you have to do is wire them payment for �taxes� or other official purposes. By the time you find out their check has bounced the money you wired is in their hands. And, because it was wired it�s harder to trace.

Lottery scammers don�t always use e-mail or the phone. Sometimes they do their dirty work in person. A typical scam would go something like this: You are approached in person by someone who claims he or she just won the lottery but isn�t eligible to claim it. They offer to split the money with you if you claim the prize. Sounds good, right? Except that before you claim the prize from the lottery retailer you are required to withdraw some money from your account and give it to the ticket holder as a good-faith gesture. By the time you find out you�re holding a non-winning lottery ticket, the thief is long-gone with your good-faith money.

In order to protect yourself from these scams, it�s important to remember the following:


�It�s illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders.

�If you ever receive a phone call, letter or e-mail announcing you just won a lottery, it�s a scam.


�It�s illegal for a company to require you to pay to win or claim a sweepstakes prize.

�It�s illegal for a company to suggest that buying something will improve your chances of winning.

�Companies cannot ask for money from you for taxes they say you owe on a sweepstakes winning.

�Be cautious when entering sweepstakes from displays you see in malls � often times these are people just wanting your name and address for a future sweepstakes scam.

�Only enter sweepstakes from recognizable companies, and never pay a fee to enter.

Avoiding being the victim of a scam takes a healthy dose of skepticism. If you are ever unsure about the legitimacy of an offer made to you, you can call the National Fraud Information Center�s Hotline at 1-800-876-7060.

About The Author

Shari Hearn is a writer and creator of and


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Is Making A Good First Impression On Business Clients Important?

Is Making A Good First Impression On Business Clients Important?
by Dock Murphy

It has been said that it is important to always make a good first impression and you only get one chance to do that. After that opportunity passes, you will play catch-up in having your clients believe in you. You only rarely get a second chance to make a good first impression so you have to make the best of the opportunity.

In business, the first impression begins with the first contact a potential client has with you. Whether it is on the telephone or in person, the first time a client has any type of dealings with you company can help him for an instant opinion. Unfortunately, for many business owners, they are not the ones holding the key to the first meeting. It could be hindered by the receptionist who answers the phone or the maintenance man who is supposed to keep the front sidewalk clear of litter.

If they are not all on the same page in making your new clients feel welcome, you are fast approaching the point of being too late to make that good first impression. Even if the prospective new client gets into the office with no trouble for the first meeting, do not keep them waiting. While five minutes may not seem like a long time, but it could give the opinion that you do not think that person is important to your business. If they feel they do not matter to you, they will not believe you matter to them.

It does not matter what industry you are in or what type of work you do, there are many others that can provide the same service or product. The new client wants to be comfortable knowing that you are going to say what you will do and then do what you say. If you make the client feel uncomfortable or make them wait, they will probably seek another place to park their business.

If the new client feels good about doing business with your company and strikes a deal, that is only the beginning. That first impression can be ruined by bad follow up and not delivering on your promise. If you can do everything right, that first impression can translate into the best advertising you can hope for�word of mouth. It is a commonly accepted theory that if you make one client happy they will tell five others.

If you do not treat them right they will tell two of their friends, who will tell two of their friends and so on, until business quits coming to you. There is no shame in doing what is right for the customer. After all, if the clients quit coming to your door, you may as well lock and stay at home.

About The Author

Dock J. Murphy is owner of Plug In Profit and writes on a variety on a variety of subjects.

To learn more about this topic Dock J. recommends you vist:



Three Thousand Teas

Three Thousand Teas
by Christopher Anderson

Camellia sinensis is the exotic sounding botanical name for a plant that many of us enjoy on a daily basis. It is the one plant that provides tealeaves. In fact, camellia sinensis gives us an astonishing three thousand different kinds of tea.

Many of the teas derived from camellia sinensis are exotic and limited to small regions of the world. Like grapes that produce fine wines, the distinctive flavour and pedigree of these exotic teas is dependant on varying soil and weather conditions, plantation heights and geographic locations, as well as blending, processing and tea-making methods.

The types of tea are broadly categorized under three general groups: green tea, black tea, and oolong tea. White and Puerh are less common categories of tea. Each type of tea has unique qualities and distinct characteristics derived from the processing methods used to make them.

Black Tea

Currently accounting for about seventy percent of the world's tea consumption, black tea is processed using several hours of oxidation.

Popular varieties of black tea are Assam, Ceylon, Darjeeling, English breakfast, Irish breakfast and Keemun.

Oolong Tea

This is the least popular variety, contributing to less than three percent of the world's tea consumption. Tea enthusiasts often refer to oolong as the "champagne of teas". The tea is partially fermented (oxidized), giving it a delicate taste and aroma comparable to that of fresh fruit or flowers. The caffeine content in oolong teas falls between that of green and black teas.

Green Tea

Unlike black and oolong teas, green tea is not fermented or oxidized, giving the leaves a vegetative or herbaceous quality. The processing method simply involves rolling and heating the freshly harvested leaves. Green tealeaves generally produce a greenish-gold drink with a much lighter flavour than other types of tea. Green tea is highly valued for its medicinal qualities

White Tea

The most delicate of all varieties, white teas are imbued with a natural sweetness. White teas are hand processed and made from the youngest shoots without any oxidation. When brewed correctly, white tea produces very low amounts of caffeine.

Puerh Tea

This ancient black tea has roots that trace to China. Puerh tea is very strong with a deep, earthy flavour, although it is not bitter.

It is said that peurh tea possesses several important medicinal properties. Until 1995 it was illegal to import peurh tea into the United States. The production process is still a closely guarded state secret in China.

About The Author

Christopher Anderson contributes to several web sites, including and


Spyware, Adware, And The Importance Of Cleaning The Registry

Spyware, Adware, And The Importance Of Cleaning The Registry
by Arvind Singh

It is important to remove any trace of Spyware from the system registry. This can be achieved with the help of registry cleaner software.

'Adware' is a term that is frequently used to describe software that downloads and resides in the system and displays 'pop-up' advertisements on the screen. There are many sites that allow users to download programs free of cost in return for permission for adware to installed on their system. This permission is, however, hidden somewhere in the 'terms and conditions' or 'agreement' the user agrees to at the time of downloading the software. Adware is also known as Spyware without the malicious streak. It just monitors the users activity on the Internet and the type of software the user uses on the computer. These non-malicious Spyware do, however, affect the smooth functioning of the computer by slowing down the system greatly and must be detected and removed. This can be done with the help of anti-Adware or anti-Spyware in addition the registry must also be cleaned of any entries of the software with the aid of free Spyware Adware removal software.

Spyware With Malicious Intent

Spyware is Adware with malicious content. They operate in much the same way. However, Spyware actually spy's on the user of a computer. Every time the user enters personal details such as credit card information or his username and password the Spyware will record the information and mail it to its masters. This information can be used to fraudulently cause financial damage to the user of the computer the Spyware is installed on. The registry of a computer proactively upgrades the information and data in its records. Every thing that happens on the computer is registered in the registry. This means that the Spyware is also entered in the registry as well and in hundreds of places too. These entries can only be removed effectively with free Spyware removal software such as free Microsoft Spyware Adware removal tool or the famous Yahoo Spyware Adware removal tool.

Spyware Removal Utility Is Not Enough

Spyware, being designed to covertly install and operate on a system makes it very difficult to detect. One of the main indicators of the presence of Spyware on the system is the slowing of the system or 'pop-up' advertisements. In order to collect data and send it to an email address through the Internet, Spyware must pause other programs already running. This is the reason the system slows. Removing Spyware using anti-Spyware tools is not enough because Spyware expects such action and so installs links in different parts of the registry as well. To remove these links from the registry one must use special Spyware removal programs. Many Free Spyware removal tools do a good job efficiently cleaning the registry and remove all traces of Spyware.

About The Author

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at

To know about the Registry Cleaner visit at:

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Red Wine Glasses

Red Wine Glasses
by Bjorn Ingbrandt

Red wine glasses are characterized by their rounder, wider bowl, to give the wine a chance to breathe. The more mature and full-bodied the wine, the wider the bowl of the wine glass. The wider bowl not only promotes oxygenation or breathing but also the development of the aromas.

Since most red wines are meant to be consumed at room temperature, the wider bowl also allows the red wine to cool more quickly after hand contact has warmed it. The stem of a red wine glass is an important feature as it provides a way to hold the glass without warming the wine from body heat. It also prevents fingerprints from smearing the wine glass, and makes the glass easier to swirl.

Red wine glass sizes usually vary from under 9 ounces (270 ml) up to 14 ounces (415 ml). The shape of the red wine glass is very important, as it concentrates the aroma (or bouquet) to emphasize the varietal's characteristic. The shape of the red wine glass also directs the wine itself into the best area of the mouth from the varietal. In general, the opening of the red wine glass is not wider than the widest part of the bowl. Whereas shape can greatly enhance the enjoyment of the wine, design can make the experience a visual feast.

The large tulip or narrowing goblet is the most useful as it allows swirling but has a narrow opening to concentrate the aroma or bouquet. Many wine drinkers call this shape their red or all-purpose glass. These glasses are mostly used for Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

Large format glasses allow the maximum exposure to air for a big or closed wine. They also add a note of drama to the table when a very special wine is served. This is often the only glass for big red aficionados. Also considered a chardonnay glass because of the white Burgundy lineage. These glasses are mostly used for Burgundy, Grand Cru, Pinot Noir and Syrah.

There is also an ISO red wine glass, ISO stands for International Standards Organisation. The glasses are made to a particular size, shape and standard for a specific use. It's rounded shape and smoothness gives an ideal relationship between surface area and volume. The tapered bowl allows free circulation of wine and the funnelling of its vapours. The ISO glass is mostly used for wine tasting. The glass is maybe a little bit small for drinking wine.

Orrefors Glassworks and other glassworks that makes hand blown glasses, have refined the design of wine glasses with unique size and shape for most wines. Orrefors red wine glasses are crafted to match the varietal quality of an array of red wines. The proper red wine glass has the ability to highlight the regal flavor of Cabernet Sauvignon, the elusive perfume of Pinot Noir, the fruity Pinotage, and the brooding power of a Burgundy.

Hand blown wine glasses with design has been popular because of the visual beauty and feeling. Hand blown red wine glasses results in a better vessel, with a thinner lip, and is usually acceptable for casual wine drinkers. If you're looking for red wine glass ideas for your home, visit

When you have to clean the wine glasses, try not to use soap. Instead use hot water and rinse thoroughly. Soap can become trapped within the glass release soapy odors.

You ca see samples of hand blown wine glasses at Midnightsun Designs.

Bj�rn Ingbrandt

About The Author

Bj�rn Ingbrandt is a co-owner of Midnightsun Designs, which market crystal and art glass from Sweden.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Need A Consultant? What�s Killing Your Time

Need A Consultant? What�s Killing Your Time
by Leslie McKerns

As an independent strategic marketing, business development and PR consultant, clients are often puzzled at my productiveness. How do I get a project done so efficiently? The answer is, I only do work � I am not a part of your corporate world and thus I automatically eliminate anything that is not directly related to getting the job done. (It pleases the client, and frees me to take on another project.)

Justifying Outside Help � at times we all need consultants. You are not alone in considering outside talent; 60% of all businesses use independent contractors, and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 8 million such people are in the workforce.

But what on earth is killing your time and that of your employees and why isn�t 40 hours a week or even 75 enough? A quick analysis of a worker�s weekday-into-week will reveal the answer.

Here is a list of only 54 of the things that as an in-house employee, I was routinely required to do � and if you are honest, you�ll recognize all of them on your to-do list too.

1. Preparing for staff meetings

2. Attending staff meetings

3. Following up on meeting items assigned to me or others in my supervision

4. Presenting to others at meetings

5. Attending corporate events

6. Attending industry events

7. Preparing for industry events � shows, displays

8. Prepping others for meetings

9. Preparing materials for the press

10. Reviewing e-mails, messages and phone calls

11. Answering e-mails, messages and phone calls

12. Locating materials and sending responses - requests for information

13. Reviewing requests for meetings

14. Preparing for weekly/monthly/reviews (yours and your staff)

15. Preparing annual and other reports � by week, month, by quarter, by year

16. Preparing time cards

17. Reviewing time cards of others

18. Reviewing the Work of others

19. Sick days

20. Sick time (less than full day)

21. Vacation days

22. Holidays

23. Personal time/personal leave

24. Socializing

25. Answering questions

26. Scouting for new hires

27. Reviewing new hires

28. Supervising others

29. Mentoring junior staff or interns

30. Reporting to top management on the actions/work of others

31. Team building � team interaction

32. Preparing Budgets

33. Reviewing Budgets

34. Preparing Estimates for the projects of others

35. Preparing Estimates and budgets for own projects

36. Reviewing bids

37. Preparing bids

38. Client interaction

39. Evaluating vendors

40. Meeting with vendors

41. Ordering supplies and equipment

42. Approving supplies and equipment

43. Selecting gifts for corporate, staff and clients

44. Preparing seasonal events

45. Preparing and/or reviewing guest lists

46. Preparing or approving events � non seasonal (openings, gatherings, meetings)

47. Attending staff lunches (run over time)

48. Scheduling your work, your team and that of others � preparing reports

49. Anticipating/estimating sales revenue/profitability analysis

50. Commuting to and from work � late time/non productive time

51. Contributing to content � web or print

52. Reviewing content � web or print

53. Preparing, reviewing marketing materials

54. Conducting marketing and PR for your own firm

Now, some of these are still on my to do list, but they are not on your time, they are done on mine. And, I realize that the things on this list are an important part of corporate life � even essential interactions.

But, if you have actual work to do in addition to the items on this list, you�ll understand the problem. If you spent even an hour per item (and you know it is more) you�ll have 54 hours per week of documented responsibilities in addition to your actual job.

When will you do that work? (You know, the work you were hired to do, and that you are held accountable for.) When will you design that building, prepare that client specification package, prepare that legal brief, supervise the installation of that new manufacturing plant, consult on that corporate tax situation?

Brought in at the right time, consultants can be a lifesaver. You can justify bringing in a consultant by getting that project completed or extending your staff without making a long term commitment and without spending the additional 33 �1/3 % that a full time employee costs (over and above their salary).

You are not alone in considering outside talent; 60% of all businesses use independent contractors, and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 8 million such people are in the workforce. Use that statistic the next time you need to justify hiring an outside consultant, and the next time you are caught wondering what is killing your time, and why a 40 or even a 75 hour work week isn�t enough, you�ll know what to do.

About The Author

Need an independent strategic consultant to free you for the work you need to do? Visit

McKerns Development, PR, Marketing, Business Development, works with business and professional firms such developers, architects, designers, engineers, and physicians to increase visibility, promote their projects and services, reach the right customers and build business.

For unique service packages, visit


Thursday, March 27, 2008

How Much Wedding Can You Afford?

How Much Wedding Can You Afford?
by George Meszaros

Your budget is one of the most important influencing factors in your wedding planning process. Long gone are the days when the bride�s parents would pay for everything without complaint. Today, it is much more likely that the bride and groom will share the majority of the costs of the wedding. If you are luck, your parents may be able to share some of the costs, but mature couples should not count on it.

Before you do anything else you must set your budget. Unless you know how much and what you can afford, you can�t begin your wedding planning. Without a budget, you�ll end up estimating and that can be risky. If you are estimating how much money you have to spend, you may be surprised somewhere along your wedding planning project. Instead of estimating you may be underestimating how much everything will cost.

Be realistic. If money is no object, you have it made. If money is tight you may have to be more creative, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. You may need to ask your parents to help paying for your wedding, but don�t expect them to take on a second mortgage to pay for your dream wedding. You don�t want your dream wedding to turn into your parents� financial nightmare. If your parents give you a figure as to how much they can afford to spend, don�t ask for more.

If you don�t want or can�t ask for financial help from your parents, don�t worry. Take an honest look at your financial situation and set your budget accordingly. If you have a limited budget, decide on what is and isn�t important. Make a list of the essentials and work your way down. If you want to have a big crowd, perhaps you need to think about decreasing the per guest cost. You may need to make some compromises, but you can still have fun. Use a wedding budget worksheet to plan out what you have to pay for, and how much you should budget for on each thing. Wedding budgets are essential; they allow you to make a decision on the total amount you can afford to spend.

About The Author

Developing a Growing Business

Developing a Growing Business
by Stuart Tan

Many people crave to develop a growing business. Unfortunately, few people can actually develop one successfully. You see, many people, just like you, start off but get distracted by not being able to have a vehicle for success.

I'd suggest that you look at some of the leverage factors for the internet.

Leverage Factor #1 - A successful business model.

If you have not built your own business model, you should adopt one from someone else. For instance, marketing using network marketing, affiliate marketing and so on are useful, but you need to have a program that allows you to derive multiple streams of income all at one go.

If you don't already have a business online, or are just interested in looking for someone to provide you one, you might want to explore this one at

Leverage Factor #2 - Learning and expertise.

To build a bigger base, you definitely need to increase your knowledge. With the right kind of knowledge, you will find that you become more credible and people get attracted to you directly. If you had a database of thousands of hours of a learning library, I think you'd skew the chances to your favor, don't you think? I've discovered that it's the learner with the right attitude who actually is able to master the skills necessary to grow the business.

Leverage Factor #3 - Teams and collective effort.

Let's face it - nobody really succeeds on their own. There's really no such thing as a self-made millionaire - only a team-made one. IF you want to leverage, you have to find not just the team, but the way to build the team up effectively. I suppose you might want to be a leader as well, and that takes #2 - your learning. Over time, an effective and growing business could be in your hands.

To find out more about this opportunity and gain access to mentoring to excellence, please visit

About The Author

Stuart Tan is a Licensed NLP Trainer, and has been training since 1994. He is a highly respected marketer and business coach, and has been working with many people in the area of personal development. He also is a regular Success" target=new>>Success University Singapore visitor. He can be found at, where a treasure trove of freebies are given away regularly via the subscription email.


Forex: The Keep It Simple Stupid Guide

Forex: The Keep It Simple Stupid Guide
by Jim Wilson

A wonderful way to diversify your investment portfolio is to learn forex trading. Many new investors have discovered the world of foreign exchange trading to be an exciting new challenge. One that is filled with rewards that are beyond what they were achieving as stock traders. Currency forex trading is a great way to branch out into new investments. Experience a completely new world of investing by stepping outside of the chaotic domestic economy.

The unique thing about the forex market is that it never closes, if you feel like trading at 2am it's not a problem. Unlike with other markets, such as the stock exchange, you can continue dealing with the currency trading market without worries over it closing at the end of the day. Websites give you 24-hour access to monitor what has been happening in the world currency markets at anytime. Through these sites you are able to learn all the basics about the market.

The websites will include tools and tips to guide you through the beginning steps of trading. This is a clear advantage because you can hone your trading skills before laying down your own money in the market.

When you think of it, the forex firms are training you to become skilled at trading for free by providing guidance, demos and news at no additonal cost. In a short while you will start feeling confident in trading and investing in forex. It only takes about $300 to start getting some good returns.

Learning forex does not require that you have a degree in economics or that you study the markets for years. The forex trading websites have made it easier for you to become successful. Forex brokers will give you access to the market for your currency trading.

Just like stock brokers, they can provide you accurate information and advice on how to deal with Forex trading strategies. Advice includes all the aspects of the Forex trading market which extends to research approaches and technical analysis to improve the member�s trading performance. Naturally, because this market has apparently been providing a great return on investment, large financial institutions have been proactively monopolizing the market.

However, with the trading firms, small-time individuals also have the opportunity to earn money through Forex trading brokers. As I mentioned earlier, the online firms have been providing powerful website tools to become familiar with the whole idea of the currency market.

Your choice of Forex trading broker will largely depend on your need in the trading market. Many brokerage sites will provide trading simulators and expert advice as well as research and analysis designed for first time traders. Furthermore, these websites typically provide experienced online Forex traders who offer in-depth advice to forex traders of all levels. All of these tools are available to beginners to try out.

You really can earn money by taking the time to learn forex trading. The availability of investment simulators and 24-hour customer support enables new investors to learn quickly. Not only can you be trading in no time, you will also be showing a tidy profit. Start researching forex trading. You might be shocked to see how many large companies are involved.

About The Author

Jim Wilson gives you more free information at Alternative Investing Try The Forex Market. Search other helpful articles at- Alternative Investing Try The Forex Market Articles. Click here


Forex: The Keep It Simple Stupid Guide

Forex: The Keep It Simple Stupid Guide
by Jim Wilson

A wonderful way to diversify your investment portfolio is to learn forex trading. Many new investors have discovered the world of foreign exchange trading to be an exciting new challenge. One that is filled with rewards that are beyond what they were achieving as stock traders. Currency forex trading is a great way to branch out into new investments. Experience a completely new world of investing by stepping outside of the chaotic domestic economy.

The unique thing about the forex market is that it never closes, if you feel like trading at 2am it's not a problem. Unlike with other markets, such as the stock exchange, you can continue dealing with the currency trading market without worries over it closing at the end of the day. Websites give you 24-hour access to monitor what has been happening in the world currency markets at anytime. Through these sites you are able to learn all the basics about the market.

The websites will include tools and tips to guide you through the beginning steps of trading. This is a clear advantage because you can hone your trading skills before laying down your own money in the market.

When you think of it, the forex firms are training you to become skilled at trading for free by providing guidance, demos and news at no additonal cost. In a short while you will start feeling confident in trading and investing in forex. It only takes about $300 to start getting some good returns.

Learning forex does not require that you have a degree in economics or that you study the markets for years. The forex trading websites have made it easier for you to become successful. Forex brokers will give you access to the market for your currency trading.

Just like stock brokers, they can provide you accurate information and advice on how to deal with Forex trading strategies. Advice includes all the aspects of the Forex trading market which extends to research approaches and technical analysis to improve the member�s trading performance. Naturally, because this market has apparently been providing a great return on investment, large financial institutions have been proactively monopolizing the market.

However, with the trading firms, small-time individuals also have the opportunity to earn money through Forex trading brokers. As I mentioned earlier, the online firms have been providing powerful website tools to become familiar with the whole idea of the currency market.

Your choice of Forex trading broker will largely depend on your need in the trading market. Many brokerage sites will provide trading simulators and expert advice as well as research and analysis designed for first time traders. Furthermore, these websites typically provide experienced online Forex traders who offer in-depth advice to forex traders of all levels. All of these tools are available to beginners to try out.

You really can earn money by taking the time to learn forex trading. The availability of investment simulators and 24-hour customer support enables new investors to learn quickly. Not only can you be trading in no time, you will also be showing a tidy profit. Start researching forex trading. You might be shocked to see how many large companies are involved.

About The Author

Jim Wilson gives you more free information at Alternative Investing Try The Forex Market. Search other helpful articles at- Alternative Investing Try The Forex Market Articles. Click here


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Avoid The Problem Of Student Loan Bankruptcy

Avoid The Problem Of Student Loan Bankruptcy
by Simon Peters

College is supposed to be an exciting time for young adults, but is can also be a very stressful time too for many reasons. Of course there are academic and social pressure, but an important part of attending college is being able to pay for it, thus college students often face the problem of student loan bankruptcy.

About Student Loan Bankruptcy

While many young adults try to get college scholarships to lessen the chances of student loan bankruptcy, the reality is that scholarships often only cover a small percentage of the costs. The costs not only include the courses, but also living expenses, whether they live on or off campus. This is, of course, unless it is a full-tuition scholarship.

However, student loan bankruptcy is becoming more common, because more and more people are trying to get into selective, expensive schools. Their reasoning is that if they get into these expensive colleges, they will be able to get more prestigious jobs, and thus be able to pay off their loans.

This might work well for those who are going into popular career fields, but the reality is that one can never be too certain, and as a result student loan bankruptcy occurs. However, young adults can avoid student loan bankruptcy in a variety of ways.

First of all, parents should start a college fund for their children from a very young age. Adding just a little bit of money per week or month can really add up and lower costs. Also, when the child comes of age to begin working, while money can go towards buying things it can also be saved towards college.

Student loan bankruptcy can also occur if the person who took the loan out in the first place did not thoroughly read all of the stipulations behind that loan. It can also occur if they were unable to pay the loan payments on the required basis.

Thus, the best way to avoid student loan bankruptcy is to choose a college that is more within reach budget-wise. If a person really wants to attend a college, another option is to attend only as a part-time student, as that will lower costs considerably. However, it will take longer to complete the degree. While the college might not be as expensive, it can still provide a valuable education, and one that can be afforded.

About The Author

Simon Peters is the owner of, it is THE best source for advice on the subject on bankruptcy, nothing to sell, just information . . .


Watermelon: The Fresh Juicy Fruit With Numerous Health Benefits

Watermelon: The Fresh Juicy Fruit With Numerous Health Benefits
by Christine Macguire

Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise promotes health and may substantially reduce the risk of certain fatal diseases associated with old age. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains has always been of incredible health benefit. Watermelon, scientifically known as Citrullus lanatus, has a great potential as a basic food source and contributes to a healthy nutritional diet.

Watermelons were primarily grown on lighter soils in regions with warmer climates. Watermelons were a warm season crops consumed as dessert fruits and the rinds were used for making pickles and preserves. However, with increased market acceptance, better edible quality and long distance shipping adaptability, the growth of watermelons has increased worldwide. Certain breeds of watermelons have been developed to be more specific to regions of the world. The breeding has resulted in improved quality, which involves maximum sugar content, excellent flavor, and firm flesh with deep red color pigment due to the presence of lycopene.

The sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. It reduces the risk of fatal diseases like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis. Watermelon is rich in the B vitamins necessary for energy production. Watermelon is a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin B1, magnesium, and potassium. Watermelon has a high nutrient density due to the higher water content and lower calorie content than many other fruits. A rich source of vitamins A and C, watermelon also contains lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment that occurs naturally in certain plant and algal tissues. In addition to giving watermelon and tomatoes their color it is an excellent anti-oxidant that can help prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Up until a few decades ago, watermelon was largely a seasonal fruit that appeared in the market for a few months and then disappeared by the end of summer. Considering the current information regarding the health benefits of watermelon there has been a huge increase in the per capita watermelon consumption. The increase in imports during the winter and early spring is helping satisfy the consumer demand for year-round supplies of watermelon.

Selective plant breeding programs are being employed in order to improve the overall nutritional qualities of watermelon. Commercial companies are employing trained scientists to research and develop long-term solutions that lead to a better product quality in terms of higher sugar content and consequently increases acceptance among the consumers.

In terms of acreage, production, and per capita consumption watermelon is the leading U.S. melon crop. A recent survey indicates that the middle-income groups are the leading consumers of watermelon. The bulk of watermelon purchase has been from retail outlets and it is categorized as a home food. Among the top three melons, the honeydew variety is the most prevalent. Cantaloupe use is similar to watermelon with 16 percent purchased as food away from home.

About The Author

Christine is an expert Internet marketing professional with years of experience in various industries such as: Business, Finance, Real Estate, Web-Design, Health & Medicine and many more.



Which Tool to Use for Listening to Your Audio Books?

Which Tool to Use for Listening to Your Audio Books?
by Juliette Lee

The beauty with audio books is that you have more than one option for listening to them.

For those of us who like to be given lots of options for doing certain things instead of being forced to adapt to just one choice, you definitely have lots of options for listening to your audio book.

If you are someone who likes listening while seated on your favorite couch or seated on your desk, listening to your audio book on your cassette tape player (if the audio book is in audiocassette format, of course) is the option for you.

But if you have a desktop or laptop computer, you might prefer listening to your audio book from here.

Most PCs have Digital Audio Players for playing audio books. If your PC doesn't have any (very unlikely), you can still download them completely free on the Internet. The 2 best digital audio players that you can download free from the Internet include:

RealOne Player: It can be downloaded from their website:-

Windows Media Player: It can also be downloaded from their website:-

But if you would rather listen to your audio book while doing your household chores, dancing, exercising, jogging, commuting to and from work, etc, then you would need portable audio playback devices that you can carry around and listen to, preferably with earphones.

With the ever expanding market of portable audio playback devices, it goes to show that more and more people are now using them, because of the wonderful benefits they provide.

The most common form of these portable audio playback devices are the normal audio CD players or CD-ROM devices. You can carry these around with you while you do your household chores, exercise, jog or commute to and from work.

The more advanced form of these portable audio playback devices for playing audio books, especially those for listening to downloadable audio books, include:

-- Audio-ready PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants). Some of these PDAs include Casio CASSIOPEIA and Compaq iPAQ. Both can be pretty expensive, costing as much as about $500 for the Compaq iPAQ and about $400 for the Casio CASSIOPEIA.

-- Compatible Portable Audio Players. Some of these include the Creative's NOMAD Jukebox 3 and the SONICblue's Rio 900. These are cheaper than PDAs. For example, you can get the SONICblue's Rio 900 for about $250 from sites such as

Finally, like I said at the start of this article, whatever tool you decide to use in listening to your audio books will depend largely on "how" you prefer listening to your audio books.

For example, for the "young and restless" teenagers they can't do without the PDAs. I bet you wouldn't too if you were their age, right? But for the "aged and rusty" who just prefer the ease of being seated on their favorite couch, nothing can be better than listening to their favorite audio books from their "good old" cassette tape player!

About The Author

Juliette Lee is the editor and CEO of To find the best audio book titles, please visit Sell audio books from your website and make 20%.


How to Find the Perfect Gifts for Everyone On Your List

How to Find the Perfect Gifts for Everyone On Your List
by Chris Robertson

With the holidays just around the corner, many people are wracking their brains, trying to think of the perfect gifts for every person on their list. It can be hard to find gifts that convey the right emotional tone and that the recipient will enjoy. Here, then, are tips to find the perfect gifts for everyone on your list.

Friend, Family or Colleague?

First, write down the name of every person for whom you'd like to (or are obligated to) buy a gift. Next, give each person a rating on a scale of one to five, depending on how close they are to your intimate inner circle. If it helps, draw a series of five concentric circles, with the center circle representing those who know your dreams and aspirations and experience your joys and tribulations as they happen. The outer circle represents those people who may not know the "real" you, such as your boss or a business associate. There may be people on your list, such as your child's teacher, who isn't close to you, but who has made a tremendous difference in your child's life. Even though she may not know you well, you might decide to put her name in the second circle.

The reason for this exercise is to keep things in perspective when choosing gifts. It's all too easy to get swept up in the excitement of shopping, and select an inappropriately intimate gift for someone to whom you're not that close. Rating each person can seem calculating, but it will prevent you from buying lingerie for your pastor's wife!

Practical vs. Whimsical

The next step is deciding which people on your list would enjoy practical gifts, which would appreciate whimsical gifts, and which could go either way. So, put a "P" (for "practical"), a "W" (for "whimsical"), or a "PW" (for "practical or whimsical") next to each name. Women who are practical might enjoy a handbag or a blender, while those who are whimsical would appreciate jewelry and painted glass. Those who straddle the fence might find leather goods appealing, since they're both practical and luxurious.

The man who's whimsical might enjoy any number of personal electronics, such as a gaming system or DVD player. A practical man who's into cars, on the other hand, would appreciate a car alarm or even automotive parts. A man with a foot planted in both camps might enjoy something like a radar detector, a headset, or a telephone.

The Zen of Shopping

When you have many people on your gift list, it's important to keep yourself from getting caught up in shopping mania - going to the mall and grabbing whatever's available. Now that you have a list that has helped you define your relationships and determined the kinds of gifts each person might enjoy, why not take your time and shop online? Online mega malls have tens of thousands of items that would make perfect gifts. Best of all, they're often available at wholesale prices and the online stores can dropship them in a matter of a few days. No hassles, no worries, and your holiday shopping is complete!

About The Author

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at:

To learn more about subjects like Gifts please visit the web site at:

For more information and informative related articles and links about this subject matter and content, please visit Majon's Gifts and Collectibles directory:


Discounters Vs. Full Fee Vs. Flexible Fee Real Estate Agents

Discounters Vs. Full Fee Vs. Flexible Fee Real Estate Agents
by Robert Earl The Earl of Real Estate

Have you ever take the time to ask what is the true motivation of the Agent that you select to sell your home?

When it comes time to select a real estate agent to sell your home, you probably have 3 choices when it comes to the type of real estate agent you select based upon the Fee Structure that they use and the resulting motivation that this may or may not cause the agent to have. These 3 categories are a "full fee" structure, a "discounter fee" structure and a blend called a "flexible fee" structure.

The distinction between the different categories can be drawn in two main areas. 1.) How the Deal Comes Together & 2.) Who Finds the Buyer

A "discounter fee" structure real estate agent goes into the transaction with a fee that is significantly reduced for the amount charged by the full fee agent. This is based upon a business model that limits the scope of services that are going to be performed during the course of the transaction. In the end, this approach also will pay out more money to the party that is trying to negotiate against you, the buyers agent. Consider that the Discount Agent may be looking to "Double End" the transaction because there is more money available to the Buyers Agent as compared to the Sellers Agent. To me, this sounds like a conflict of interest, but that may just be me.

A "full fee" structure agent structures the commission charges that no matter how the deal comes together and with no concern as to which agent actually ends up working with the buyer of the property. Consider the following, there is little motivation for a "Full Fee" agent to market the property out to the buyer agent community because the Full Fee Agent may be looking to represent both the buyer of the property and you the seller of the property at the same time. This would influence what marketing avenues and vehicles that an agent would be looking to use.

A flexible fee - choose your own commission ( structure agent will charge a flexible amount dependent upon the way inwhich the sale comes together. If the listing agent is able to attract the buyer directly then they get a minimal increase in the overall compensation, sometimes ranging up to 1% in addition to the amount being charged for listing the property. This is a far cry from the amount charged by the Full Fee agent that double ends the property and thus doubles the commission. This is also a lower amount than the Discounter charges for double ending the property from the base 1% commission to a 300% increase for working with the buyer and seller.

Keep in mind that all of this is controlled and regulated by your own areas laws on agency and whether or not an agent can truly represent both parties to a transaction under a dual or designated representation agreement. Check to see what applies in your particular area.

Bottom Line, As with anything, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Make sure that you select an agent and a structure when selling your home in Northern Virginia ( that provides you with the level of comfort that the agent is truly motivated to get your home sold and that you will be getting value for your commission dollars.

About The Author

Robert Earl - Founder of The Earl of Real Estate Team is a Real Estate Entrepreneur & Real Estate Coach serving the Northern Virginia Real Estate ( Market. Robert Earl's Site presents Reston Condos for Sale - Reston Condo Communities (


Knowing Your Data Is Safe

Knowing Your Data Is Safe
by John Ugoshowa

All companies of today make great use of the technology available to them and rely on their data. Most businesses however, don�t have the budget to invest in network storage or large servers, which is what the bigger companies use to transfer information and create a backup of the information they rely on to carry out their operations.

Smaller businesses have a limited budget. When most encounter a disaster they never seem to recover, normally going out of business. Past disasters such as 9/11 or the dreaded hurricane have showed the importance of backups and disaster planning. Companies that thought things out and protected their data survived these disasters, while those that didn�t went out of business.

There are several ways that you can protect your data and keep it safe. One of the most popular and easiest ways to protect your data is with a server. Servers are great for both large and small businesses, and protection the data for your business. They can tend to get expensive though, with the most popular server, Microsoft, starting out around $3,000.

Unlike other options, servers provide you with a safe and secure system to store all of your corporate data. You can set the permission of your files to prevent any unauthorized access, to keep your files safe. When using servers, most of the loss comes from either accidental deletion or employees that are upset with corporate management and decide to get into the server and erase files.

When using a server, your data will be stored in one central location, and not spread around over different computers in your network. Servers are very user friendly, and keep your files neat and tidy - in one location. This way you don�t have to go looking all over the place for your data, you can look in the server and find everything you need.

Another way to keep your data safe is with CDs, DVDs, and even external hard drives. If you are using any of these methods, you should always do a backup of your information at the end of every day. With disasters being completely unpredictable, backing things up every day will ensure that you are protected if something should occur.

If you are backing things up to CD or DVD media, you should always put the discs in a safe and secure location, preferably a fireproof safe. This way, if the office should catch on fire, you�ll have your backup discs protected. You should always add your new backups to the safe at the end of every working day, so you�ll have them tomorrow if you need them.

You can also store your data and information offsite as well. This is a highly recommended option, as you pay a flat monthly fee and a company stores your information. Most have secure vaults and servers for your data, which ensures protection from unauthorized accidents or hazards. You don�t need to worry about your data when using these services, as they will do the protection for you.

No matter which method you use for protecting your information, you should always make sure that you have a plan. Corporate data is very important and essential to success, which is why you should look into immediately if you don�t have a plan already. If you know your data is safe and protected from hazards and unauthorized access - you�ll have the peace of mind in knowing that your data will be there each and every time you need it.

About The Author

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to

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International Adoption - Helpful Hints to Adoptive Parents on Child Adoption

International Adoption - Helpful Hints to Adoptive Parents on Child Adoption
by Stephen Morgan

International adoption opportunities are available for people to be able to adopt babies, children and older children; you just need to know where to look and to whom the correct people are to talk to. By this we mean, the correct Local, Private or Governmental Agencies.

If at all possible, try and learn as much as you can about the child you are trying to adopt � this might not be that possible and if it appears impossible then ask yourself why? There may be a reason for this and sadly or tragically, you may want to reconsider your position on this if the correct answers to the pertinent questions aren�t forthcoming. At the end of the day, sometimes a leap of faith is required should you feel suitably motivated. International Adoption is not easy.

If you can (and you should), avoid telling any other members of your extended family everything you know about your child�s background � something�s a child likes to keep private and especially any negative experiences should be shared when the child feels the time is right and is comfortable.

At all times do not keep the fact that they are adopted secret from your child. Openly admit that they have been adopted and that it was your love and desire for them to join your family that prompted this decision and share this information as and when they are ready to understand this. Mention that sadly their parents weren�t able on this occasion to be able to care for them but that you were.

A lot of adopted children grow up to be successful and happy adults. Some even go on to be world leaders in their chosen field. Others are just plain good nice people and the world needs lots of these.

Being adopted can affect children sometimes but it is important to remember that at all times these children are just that, children and remember to give them lots of love and understanding and with that you can help then gain their true potential.

Nobody is perfect, neither you nor your child. Sometimes perfection is just too impossible to achieve and so don�t try.

Try to create a positive environment and try to use positive language such as birth mother instead of real mother. Remember also that it does take time to change people�s attitudes.

If your adult child decides he or she wishes to try and find their birth parent, this doesn�t automatically mean that you have failed them in any way, they need your support. You were there for them when they needed it most and this will always be remembered

The one thing you must always do is to ignore those who tell you that adoption is in anyway substandard to biological parenting. If they have never tried adopting someone, how would they know?

About The Author

Getting Free Photoshop Tutorials

Getting Free Photoshop Tutorials
by Mario Churchill

The Photoshop software is truly a big deal for most people. It pays to have this program in your computer in order to manipulate your pictures as your desire. With this at hand, you can be sure that you get to improve those digital images you have taken even before they get printed. This is more reason for you to give away beautiful pictures to friends and relatives.

However, it is not enough that you have the Photoshop program installed in your computer. It is a must that you have a basic knowledge in Photoshop so you can do the things that you want. As such it is very important to get a Photoshop tutorial.

There are options such as to hire a tutor or enrol in program where you can learn Photoshop skills. You can also choose to buy books that will teach you the aspects of the program. These are options that are open to you. However, it may even be a better choice for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Here, you get to learn a new skill without having to spend the extra money in your pocket.

The Free Photoshop Tutorial

There are many ways for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Be sure that you get to use these options because it sure is a good thing to save your extra money instead. If you can have something for free, then just grab it and make the most out of it.

Ask a Friend for Help in the Photoshop

Some people are fortunate enough to have friends and relatives who are skilled in the Photoshop application. If you happen to have a friend of your own, then ask him or her to teach you basic Photoshop. This is a good way to get the free Photoshop tutorial. You can even use that extra time of learning as a bonding activity.

Explore the Photoshop Program

If it happens that you cannot access any friend to give the tutorials, you can explore the Photoshop program. The manufacturers do provide basic tutorials with the installation. You can easily check the options for the basic tutorials. This can explain to you how certain commands work and when to use them. You can read on the instructions and the step-by-step processes. There are also editions in the Photoshop software that can actually give tutorial using visuals. You will definitely enjoy viewing how a project is developed.

Download Files Online

You can also get free Photoshop tutorials online. There are numerous web sites that will give help for free. You can access the tutorial in PDF format and see the instructions. You can also browse through the sites to find the discussion on a particular topic. You may even love the options of seeing the tutorial in video format.

Ask for Assistance Online

The manufacturer can provide an option for you to get help online. However, you may find it even amazing to explore the different discussion boards and forums where other Photoshop users converge. This can be an opportunity to get free Photoshop tutorials from them. You can post your question and you can expect the other users to give you the advice you need.


Get your free Photoshop tutorials and learn the basic skills needed to operate the program. This way, you can turn out your nice images into fabulous pictures.

About The Author

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information about an excellent small business marketing checkout


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

5 Business Success Planning Tips

5 Business Success Planning Tips
by Megan Tobin

Plan, Do, Achieve - Business Success

Action planning can help you get there fast!

Let me ask you three questions - Does business success planning sound more fun than business planning? To be successful in business, do you need to take action? Do you take action more quickly and easily when you are having fun, or when you know that your action will make a difference? Answering 'yes' to any of the above questions indicates that you are ready for business success planning - an action-oriented approach to help build your business faster. The driving force behind this is the thought that you can move faster and with more ease when you focus on doing what you enjoy and when you understand key requirements to grow your business. This eliminates the worry and loss of time that results when you have no business success plan.

Knowing your ultimate destination, planning and considering your options along the way, and taking focused action to meet milestones, will help you reach that destination one win at a time. This is a key aspect of business success planning - a fun variation on old-fashioned business planning. It's not just creating a plan document. It's an action-and-results oriented approach to plan, do and achieve business successes, which helps you to maintain business building momentum and, also, adds to your credibility along the way. Plan, do and achieve, starting with 5 Business Success Planning Tips to move forward fast:

1. Get clear on your purpose and products, and pace yourself � Understand and be able to convey your vision, your mission and why you are in business. Identify and plan competitive products/services to sell today and tomorrow. And, pace yourself. Outline timelines for milestone achievement that will help you to reach your ultimate destination, and get into action.

Think about what products and services you will sell to meet your goals. How will you do it? Why are you the one to deliver this, and what sets your business products and services apart from the competition? Do you have a mantra and mission that propels you forward? Do you know that this is not an overnight journey? Have you identified milestone achievements, so you can pace yourself to get where you need to go?

2. Write it all down � Document everything along your business journey! With good documentation, you will be surprised how much of the work will already be done when you need to share information for marketing, sales, financing, staffing or other business requirements.

Think about customer needs, existing and future products, competitors, suppliers, human resources, etc. Write you findings down to keep track and make sense of them as you explore your business development and take action. It will help you to understand and think through your business, how it will work and the requirements to be successful. Compiling your business success plan along the journey assures that the documentation will be ready when you need it.

3. Validate your plan, share it and always be open to revising it � Share your findings and action results with "independent parties." Listen carefully to their reactions and recommendations. Be open to making revisions that will help you achieve your milestones and your ultimate goal.

Think about what it will take to be successful, including predictions and thoughts on products, services, financing, market demand and competition. Consider how you will respond to market, technology, financial and other business changes today and tomorrow.

4. Get help to develop and maintain your success plan in order to meet milestone commitments, and be willing to adjust your course as necessary � While you definitely need to commit to milestone achievements and testing your plan out, you may need to change course slightly or shift your business to reach your destinations. Working with a business consultant or coach can help you navigate shifts and stay on track to meet your mark.

Think about what help you need to commit to milestone achievements and testing your plan out. Identify and hire qualified resources who are committed to milestone achievement and your longer-term business success. Where will you find this help?

5. Do the math � Think through (and document) the financial requirements for your business in the near, medium and long-term.

Think about the capital you need to realistically prepare for and attain milestone achievements. How will you track business progress to measure efficient capital deployment and to remain in business? Your investment in the business in terms of time, money and effort is only worthwhile if you know and understand your business financial requirements and can fund activity along the way. This is key to reaching milestone achievements and, then, longer-term vision.

Use these tips to make your business ownership journey success-oriented and rewarding. You can even aim to make it downright fun!

© 2007 Time2Market Inc. All Rights Reserved

About The Author

Megan Tobin, an independent business development coach based in New York and doing business as Time2Market Inc., works with entrepreneurs and business managers on focused-action planning to achieve business results - fast! She emphasizes keeping a positive, yet realistic perspective on the business planning and building process at all times. Her blog can be seen at:
