Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Voice Of Experience: Getting Guidance For Your New Business

The Voice Of Experience: Getting Guidance For Your New Business
by Chris Malta

Many people dream of leaving their nine-to-five jobs and going into business for themselves, but very few actually understand how to start or sustain a profitable E-Biz. In a traditional job, you can always approach a supervisor or co-worker with questions about how to execute a project better, perform a task more efficiently, or handle a particular situation. However, once you venture into business on your own, you�re literally on your own � and that�s a very frightening place for most people. That�s why, when starting your own business, it�s imperative that you get guidance from the get-go.

Don�t Go It Alone

If you don�t have a support system in place, or any clear sense of direction, it�s easy to grow frustrated or scared, and retreat to your comfort zone without achieving the independence you dream of. A reputable business coach can teach you the best start-up practices and help you implement winning business strategies. Another option is to join an online forum, where you can present your questions to other E-Biz owners who bring to the table the seasoned advice of those who�ve already achieved eCommerce success.

According to Andy Jenkins, creator of online business forum, �Most new E-Biz owners face exactly the same issues and challenges � and they�re a whole lot easier to handle when you have someone helping you, who�s already faced them successfully.�

Understand the Pitfalls

Having mentored thousands of new entrepreneurs, Jenkins sees the two most common problems they confront on a regular basis as 1) determining correct priorities and 2) overcoming what he calls �paralysis by analysis.�

1. To run your business effectively, you have to organize your priorities. The difference between a successful E-Biz and a failed E-Biz is often determined by where you spend the bulk of your efforts and energy. As a new entrepreneur, you have limited time and funds. Spending too much of either on peripheral matters means you�re neglecting your core concerns.

It�s easy to waste tremendous amounts of time trying to learn the ins and outs that are necessary to manage your business, but that don�t really generate a profit in the long run. In an online business you should have a three-fold focus:

* finding the right products

* driving targeted traffic

* converting that traffic into sales

That�s it. All other issues are secondary � you have to deal with them in your day-to-day operations, but don�t lose sight of the big picture.

2. Another common problem with eCommerce newcomers is that they tend to over-analyze every scenario and develop �paralysis by analysis.� When you don�t have all the answers, or aren�t certain of your next move, it�s easy to just sit back and procrastinate. But making excuses or putting things off will cripple your ability to do even the most fundamental things to grow your business. It�s important to deal with the business aspect of things in a timely manner. You need to treat your Internet business like a real business � time is money, and you can�t waste it being indecisive.

Launching your own E-Biz may seem like an intimidating prospect; but you largely improve your chances of a positive outcome when you find experienced, knowledgeable mentors to help you get started right. States Jenkins, �Starting a venture is always a risk. But you can greatly facilitate your own success by seeking out qualified support to help you find your focus and keep your business moving forward in the right direction.�

About The Author

Chris Malta and Robin Cowie of are the Writers and Hosts of wsRadio�s Product Sourcing Radio. Visit for more FREE E-Biz info from wsRadio!


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