Monday, November 19, 2007

My 5 Gourmet Ingredient, Vegetarian Cooking Done Right

My 5 Gourmet Ingredient, Vegetarian Cooking Done Right
by Ben Ehinger

Are you a vegetarian or thinking about becoming a vegetarian? Do you want to know how to become a vegetarian that can cook great meals? Learn the 5 ingredients that I use to make just about any vegetarian meal taste better.

The first ingredient that I will introduce to you is garlic. Garlic is a spectacular for cooking and can add a ton of flavor to just about anything. If you are a true vegetarian you use olive oil or something other than butter to cook with. This means that garlic will be even better for you because garlic gains a wonderful and potent flavor when you cook with olive oil.

That leads me to my second ingredient, olive oil. Olive oil is a wonderful oil for cooking and comes directly from the land. Make sure to use extra virgin olive oil because it is richer in minerals and is has a more pure taste. Even adding a dash to a salad or using olive oil to create a vinaigrette dressing can add a great flavor.

This brings me to my third ingredient, red wine vinegar, which is very popular to create the vinaigrette I just mentioned. Red wine vinegar has a very natural and great flavor. It goes well with many vegetables and actually is great when mixed into a fruit salad full of melons. If you are a vegetarian that eats fish, then you will love using red wine vinegar when cooking fish.

My fourth ingredient for vegetarian cooking is using wines. Both red wine and white wine are great for cooking. Just try cooking squash mixed with other vegetables with white wine. I prefer a good chardonnay. Make sure when you are picking a wine to cook with that you do not go too expensive because the price will not make a big enough difference for your money.

My fifth and final ingredient for vegetarian cooking is liquor. I love to cook with vodka, brandy, whiskey, and tequila. These liquors can all add a great flavor to any vegetarian dish. I love using whiskey and brandy with fruits. You can also mix in other liquors such as flavored liquors. You can experiment with all types and you will be pleasantly surprised by most of them.

Now you have 5 great ingredients to add to your vegetarian dishes. You can invent some wonderful dishes with these ingredients and become a wonderful vegetarian chef.

About The Author

Ben Ehinger

Are you ready to taste the flavor of great vegetarian dishes? Have you wanted to become a vegetarian, but are afraid of losing the love for great tasting meals? Become a vegetarian or just spice up your vegetarian dishes today. Go to the following website for more information about vegetarian cooking:


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