Monday, November 19, 2007

An Old-Fashioned Christmas For Today

An Old-Fashioned Christmas For Today
by Adam Peters

You can enjoy the simplicity and beauty of an old-fashioned Christmas. It can make Christmas less stressful and more enjoyable.

Do you want to have a Christmas full of joy, instead of a Christmas full of stress? Most people feel exactly the same way that you do, but instead they go through the Christmas season feeling stressed and tired.

You can have a joyful Christmas season. There are many different ways to make your Christmas season more fun and less stressful. The best thing that you can do is to try to simplify your Christmas. If you think about your favorite Christmases from your childhood, you probably remember more times of simple fun, rather than chaotic stress. You only have to plan and prepare to make this a Christmas that you can enjoy now.

Enjoying the simplicity and beauty of an old-fashioned Christmas can decrease your stress level and be very easy. You don't have to go back to no electricity to make your Christmas more old-fashioned and simple. You only have to choose some parts of that time that will make your Christmas more enjoyable. You can help fill your home with Christmas spirit simply by using your three senses.

* Pleasing to the Eye - What do you think of when you think of when you consider an old-fashioned Christmas? If you are like most people, candy canes, popcorn strands, and homemade Ginger cookies on the Christmas tree come to mind. Making a popcorn strand is very simple and it can be a fun, quality family project that your kids will love and enjoy making. Using cookies as a decoration may not be very functional, but you could just use the cookie cutters on your tree or use them as a napkin ring.

* Pleasing to the Ear - "Sleigh bells ring. Are you listening?" Adding sleigh bells to your home can help create a pleasant Christmas sound to the ears. If you don't have a reindeer out in the yard then hang them on your doorknob. This is a great way to welcome your holiday guests.

Hearing the squeals of laughter occurs quite frequently during the Christmas season. From opening presents to decorating your home, the holidays are a source of great fun and laughter for every member of the family. You may want to consider using toys for decorating your home.

* Pleasing to the Nose - Some of the favorite scents of the holidays include spices, baked goods, evergreen, and bayberry. You can find Christmas decorations that fit both your eyes and nose. For example, fir branches with a red bow would look beautiful above a doorway. Scented candles will look great in your windows. Cooking cookies also helps to add a delicious smell to your entire home.

Having an old-fashioned Christmas does not mean that you have to sacrifice your worldly goods. It simply means that you want to have a more simple, enjoyable Christmas, without many of the stresses. Isn't that what you desire?

About The Author

Adam Peters contributes adding content to . A website with tips on ornaments at


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